It took over 10 years, but finally, I’ve bought my land on the Internet. Well, I would like to say that, but since buying a place on the internet isn’t possible, I’ve rented mine.
Take a look:
Beautiful isn’t it?
To be honest I have made some calculations about the actual land size I have rented.
If you consider all the gigabytes in existence to be equivalent to the total land area on Earth, my rented space would be about 35 m² or 376 ft². In case you are interested about calculations click here to know more and calculate your land size.
Well, maybe I have rented the cabin, but not all the land around in the photo.
It doesn’t matter, it still looks like this to me:
It feels warm, comfortable and, to be honest, it seems a little solitary. It is in the middle of nowhere!
I expect to bring some friends to my house soon. My new home.
Let’s see what the future reserve for us together!